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হারালে, ফিরে পাবেন | If you lose, you will get back | Bengali Sermon | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

হারালে, ফিরে পাবেন | If you lose, you will get back | Bengali Sermon | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

A short message- “If you lose, you will get back” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “হারালে, ফিরে পাবেন” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা ধর্মোপদেশ “After that happens, you can do whatever you choose to do, because God will be with you.” (1 Samuel 10:7) ERV “যখন এইসব চিহ্নগুলি পরিপূর্ণ হবে, তখন তুমি যা চাইবে তাই করতে পারবে। কারণ তখন ঈশ্বর তোমার সঙ্গেই বিরাজ করবেন।” (1 শমূয়েল 10:7) BERV Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe to this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload them here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel WhatsApp Only : +91 8918011433 || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Join this channel to get access to perks: Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the written above, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: The Mercy of the Lord Jesus Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes Collaboration Take The Responsibilities If you lose, you will get back ========================================
দায়িত্ব নিন | Take The Responsibilities | Bengali Sermon | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

দায়িত্ব নিন | Take The Responsibilities | Bengali Sermon | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

A short message- “Take The Responsibilities” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “দায়িত্ব নিন” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা ধর্মোপদেশ “You must each accept the responsibilities that are yours.” (Galatians 6:5) ERV “কারণ প্রত্যেক ব্যক্তিকে তার নিজের দায়িত্ব নিতে হবে।” (গালাতীয় 6:5) BERV Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe to this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload them here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel WhatsApp Only: +91 8918011433 || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Join this channel to get access to perks: Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the written above, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: The Mercy of the Lord Jesus Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes Collaboration Take The Responsibilities ========================================
প্রভু যীশুর করুণা | The Mercy of the Lord Jesus | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Rev. Apurba Man

প্রভু যীশুর করুণা | The Mercy of the Lord Jesus | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Rev. Apurba Man

A short message- “The Mercy of the Lord Jesus” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “প্রভু যীশুর করুণা” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা বার্তা “Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.””( Matthew 15:32) NIV “তখন যীশু আপন শিষ্যদিগকে নিকটে ডাকিয়া কহিলেন, এই লোকসমূহের প্রতি আমার করুণা হইতেছে; কেননা ইহারা আজ তিন দিবস আমার সঙ্গে রহিয়াছে, এবং ইহাদের নিকটে খাবার কিছুই নাই; আর আমি ইহাদিগকে অনাহারে বিদায় করিতে ইচ্ছা করি না, পাছে ইহারা পথে মূর্চ্ছা পড়ে।” (মথি 15:32) BSI Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Join this channel to get access to perks: Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: The Mercy of the Lord Jesus Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes Collaboration ========================================
Do not fear to preach about the Holy Bible, Jesus the Christ, Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit | amc

Do not fear to preach about the Holy Bible, Jesus the Christ, Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit | amc

Fear not to preach about Jesus, God, Holy Spirit & the Holy Scriptures from the Holy Bible. Because our constitution is allowing us to do so.... Know the truth & share this to others.... ॥॥ Spacial Note ॥॥ We(amc) are not creator of this video. We want to share this video to encourage and knowing the truth. All video related credit goes to the respected creator. Read all the details carefully before making any decision!! Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #apURba #RightToPropagate **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes Collaboration Constitution of India Democratic Democracy ========================================
সহযোগিতা | Collaboration | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Inspirational | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

সহযোগিতা | Collaboration | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Inspirational | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

A short message- “Collaboration” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “সহযোগিতা” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা বার্তা “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,”(Hebrews 10:24) ESV “আমাদের উচিত একে অপরের বিষয়ে চিন্তা করা, যেন ভালবাসতে ও সৎ‌ কাজ করতে পরস্পরকে উৎসাহ দান করতে পারি৷” (ইব্রীয় 10:24) ERV Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes Collaboration ========================================
চোখ থাকতেও অন্ধ | Blind even with eyes | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

চোখ থাকতেও অন্ধ | Blind even with eyes | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

A short message- “Blind even with eyes” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “চোখ থাকতেও অন্ধ” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা বার্তা “He also told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?”(Luke 6:39) ESV “আর তিনি তাহাদিগকে একটী দৃষ্টান্তও কহিলেন, অন্ধ কি অন্ধকে পথ দেখাইতে পারে? উভয়েই কি গর্ত্তে পড়িবে না?” (লুক 6:39) BSI Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting Blind even with eyes ========================================
অহংকার | Boasting | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Inspirational Speech | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

অহংকার | Boasting | Bengali Sermon | Online Church | Inspirational Speech | Rev. Apurba Man | amc

A short message- “Boasting” - Bengali Sermon by Rev. Apurba Man “অহংকার” - অপূর্ব’এর দ্বারা বাংলা বার্তা “My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad.”(Psalm 34:2) ESV “হে বিনীত লোকরা, যখন আমি প্রভুর সম্পর্কে বড়াই করি তোমরা শোন এবং সুখী হও|” (গীতসংহিতা 34:2) ERV Please comment below your opinions about this Sermon/Message! Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #apURba #BengaliSermon **অফুরন্ত আশীর্বাদ (Endless Blessings): এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel || Telegram || নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে টেলিগ্রাম-এ আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত হোন ও ঈশ্বরের বাক্যে প্রতিদিন অনুপ্রাণিত এবং আশীর্বাদপ্রাপ্ত হোন: Join us on Telegram at the given link below & be inspired & blessed daily in the Word of God: Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! ======================================== Keywards: Salvation Who is god god will not forget you god cannot forget you sermon see i will not forget you isaiah sermon on god will never fail you can god forget you the lord will not forget sermon on god will not forsake you never forget god god will never forget you quotes god has not forgotten you scripture kjv sermon on god will not forget you god will not forget your labor of love i will never leave you nor forsake you never forget bible verse see i will not forget you isaiah god has not overlooked you online church online church bangla bangla sermon he is the way jesus is the way Repentance Repent The Gateway to Heaven Give Thanks for everything Why the Problems occur Why the Problems come Don't think Negative Endless Blessings Forgive Others Stay attached with the Lord I am the Best Perfect Church Come Back to the Lord God Christian without Christ Live for Others Wake up and follow Him Boasting ========================================

Recent Sermons & Videos

New Christmas Dance | Dola Re | Dance Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

New Christmas Dance | Dola Re | Dance Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “डोला रे” “Dola Re” performed by amc Youth Group. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) NIV “হে পরিশ্রান্ত ও ভারাক্রান্ত লোক সকল, আমার নিকটে আইস, আমি তোমাদিগকে বিশ্রাম দিব।” (মথি 11:28) BSI These Girls are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary children of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. Remember us when you pray. All glory be to God! Performers: Payel Dey Sampa Ghosh Ankita Sing Sanchita Mahishal Somashri Samanta Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration Follow us on- #Twitter - @amc99_org #Instagram - @amc99_org #Facebook - See more: How to become Happiest? - এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc Join this channel to get access to perks: ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Dola Re Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller Sheldon Bangera - Anand Ki Bharpuri LIVE [Official Music Video] ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Prabhu Yeshu Naam Pukare | Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Christmas Dance | Prabhu Yeshu Naam Pukare | Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “प्रभु येशु नाम पुकारे” “Prabhu Yeshu Naam Pukare” performed by JLM Youth Group ( amc ) “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) ESV “আর অন্য কাহারও কাছে পরিত্রাণ নাই; কেননা আকাশের নীচে মনুষ্যদের মধ্যে দত্ত এমন আর কোন নাম নাই, যে নামে আমাদিগকে পরিত্রাণ পাইতে হইবে।” (প্রেরিত 4:12) BSI These Girls are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary children of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Payel Dey Pallabi Ghosh Jayanti Ghosh Sampa Ghosh Moly Ghosh Sarmistha Roy Sathi Ghosh Ipsita Pandit Sanchita Mahishal Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller Sheldon Bangera - Anand Ki Bharpuri LIVE [Official Music Video] ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Ye Din Prabhu Ne Jo | Cover | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Christmas Dance | Ye Din Prabhu Ne Jo | Cover | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “प्रभु में आनंदित रहो” “Prabhu Mein Aanandit Raho” performed by JLM Children Group ( amc ) “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) ESV “এই সেই দিন যা সদাপ্রভু ঠিক করেছেন; এস, আমরা এই দিনে আনন্দ করি ও খুশী হই।” (গীতসংহিতা 118:24) SBCL These Girls are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary children of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Suchandra Dhara Supriti Das Aishani Hijli Soniya Malik Sanchita Bag Saheli Dolui Kuheli Dolui Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller Sheldon Bangera - Anand Ki Bharpuri LIVE [Official Music Video] ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Anand Ki Bharpuri | Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Christmas Dance | Anand Ki Bharpuri | Cover | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “आनंद की भरपूरी” “Anand Ki Bharpuri” performed by JLM Youth Group ( amc ) “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) ESV “জীবনের পথ তুমি আমাকে জানিয়েছ; তোমার কাছে থাকায় আছে পরিপূর্ণ আনন্দ আর তোমার ডান পাশে রয়েছে চিরকালের সুখ।” (গীতসংহিতা 118:24) SBCL These Girls are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary children of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Sathi Ghosh Ipsita Pandit Jayanti Ghosh Pallabi Ghosh Moli Ghosh Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller Sheldon Bangera - Anand Ki Bharpuri LIVE [Official Music Video] ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Hungama Howe | Cover | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Christmas Dance | Hungama Howe | Cover | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “हंगामा होये” “Hungama Howe” performed by JLM Children Group ( amc ) “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) ESV “অদ্য সদাপ্রভুর কৃত দিন; আমরা এই দিনে উল্লাস ও আনন্দ করিব।” (গীতসংহিতা 118:24) ROVU These Children are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary kids of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Suchandra Dhara Supriti Das & Aishani Hijli Soniya Malik Sanchita Bag Saheli Dolui Kuheli Dolui Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Yeshua the band Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Chalo Chalo Masiha Bulata Hai | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Christmas Dance | Chalo Chalo Masiha Bulata Hai | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Hindi dancing song – “चलो चलो मसीहा बुलाता है” “Chalo Chalo Masiha Bulata Hai” performed by JLM Children Group ( amc ) “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21) ESV “কারণ তোমাদের এর জন্যই ডাকা হয়েছে, কারণ খ্রীষ্টও তোমাদের জন্য দুঃখ সহ্য করলেন, এ বিষয়ে তোমাদের জন্য এক আদর্শ রেখে গেছেন, যেন তোমরা তাঁর রাস্তাকে অনুসরণ কর;” (1 পিতর 2:21) IRV This girl is not well trained or professional dancer! She is just ordinary child of our church member. But she tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to her by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performer: Sweety Rong Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Chalo Chalo Masiha Bulata Hai Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller ==============================================================
Bangla Christmas Dance | Elo Re Elo Aaj Borodin | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Bangla Christmas Dance | Elo Re Elo Aaj Borodin | Children Group | Christmas Celebration 2019 | amc

Cover of the Bangla dancing song – “এলো রে এলো আজ বড়দিন” “Elo Re Elo Aaj Borodin” performed by JLM Children Group ( amc ) 😍😘☺😊😍😚😊❤💗💖❣💕💞 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) NIV “আজ দাউদের নগরে তোমাদের জন্য এক উদ্ধারকর্তা জন্মগ্রহণ করেছেন, তিনি খ্রীষ্ট প্রভু।” (লূক 2:11) BCV These Children are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary kids of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Soham Das Hiya Dhara Debjit Bag Ritika Pal Sarmistha Roy Bikash Sharma Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Bangla Christian Songs Bangla Christian Dance Jishur Gaan Borodiner gan Elo re Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller ==============================================================
Christmas Dance | Wo Khuda Mera Charwaha Hai | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2018 | amc

Christmas Dance | Wo Khuda Mera Charwaha Hai | Youth Group | Christmas Celebration 2018 | amc

Cover of the jesus hindi dancing song - “Wo Khuda Mera Charwaha Hai” performed by JLM Youth Group ( amc ) “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,” (Psalm 23:1-2) NIV “সদাপ্রভু আমার পালক, আমার অভাব হইবে না। তিনি তৃণভূষিত চরাণীতে আমাকে শয়ন করান, তিনি বিশ্রাম-জলের ধারে ধারে আমাকে চালান।” (গীতসংহিতা 23:1-2) BSI These Girls are not well trained or professional dancers! They are just ordinary daughters of our church members. But they tried to perform this dancing song by just few days of training. So please show your love to them by your good approach. All glory be to God! Performers: Sanchita Mahisal Payel Dey Sundari Sardar Moly Ghosh Please comment below your opinions about this Performance! We are not creator of this song. The original song is here- Please like, share & subscribe this channel & help us to spread his life changing words! Also remember us when you pray! Show your love, so that we make more inspiring videos & upload here! #amc #Dance #ChristmasCelebration এখানে ভালোবাসার উপহার পাঠান: Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Follow us on- Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: See more: How to become Happiest? - Send your Love Gifts: UPI: amc@airtel Note: This video is only for those who believe in the "Holy Bible" & "Jesus the Christ"! We don't want to hurt any people, religion, community, group, organization or any others! If you are too sensitive about the above written, then it is highly recommended to you, - please stay away from this video or channel! Thanks!! Jesus Loves You! _amc ============================================================== Keywards: jesus dancing song tamil jesus dancing song hindi jesus dancing anime song childrens dancing songs jesus jesus dancing song jesus dancing meme song jesus song for dancing jesus dancing song in hindi christmas dance for kids christmas dance songs christmas dance in tamil christmas dance telugu christmas dance video christmas dance hindi christmas dance group christmas dance hip hop christmas dance christmas dance christmas dance and song christmas dance at rangagora christmas dance animation christmas dance app christmas dance along christmas dance ace family christmas dance all i want for christmas is you christmas dance dikhaiye a christmas dance arthur benson a christmas dance hallmark a ghetto christmas carol dance a christmas carol dance scene a christmas carol dance christmas dance boys christmas dance girls christmas dance blackpink christmas dance bidar christmas dance bts christmas dance baby christmas dance battle christmas dance by sunday school christmas dance boy and girl christmas dance choreography christmas dance come christmas dance cartoon christmas dance cover christmas dance christian christmas dance competition christmas dance carol christmas c'mon dance christmas dance easy christmas dance easy steps best christmas dance ever funniest christmas dance ever christmas dance full christmas dance hindi song christmas dance in telugu christmas dance in hindi christmas dance in Bengali christmas dance in Bangla christmas dance in english christmas dance in malayalam christmas dance in kannada christmas dance in church christmas dance india Aasman Pe Anil Kant Shreya Kant, Tum dil me, Tum Dil Main, Dil me, Jaan Me, Aasiq tera, Amit Kamble, #amitkamble Emmanuel Goller ==============================================================

About Us

We are a former believer group with deeply engaged in the church & other social worksDoing a study/inspection of the Bible we got amazed by the madness to be found in the holy scripture. We want to share the knowledge in a different way.


From last 12 years we are serving for the lord, spreading his words, helping to know people about the truth. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That's how we're able to make a difference.


We are committed to serve the world & explain God's love to others. Whether in person or online, individually or in groups, within our church & around the world, we are focused on engaging in relationships & praying that provide relief & restoration to this hurting world.

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Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

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Praise & Worship

Praise & Worship

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Praise & Worship

Praise & Worship

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Child Of God

Child Of God

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Praise & Worship

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Praise & Worship

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Gospel Preaching

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A SAFE place to explore your FAITH

Experience the JOY of GIVING

“He said to them, “Go into all the world & preach the GOSPEL to all creation.””

( Mark 16:15 )

Videos & Sermons
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For COVID19, all India is going through lockdown. So all prayer meetings will be held online only.

For further information, stay connected! Thanks!!

Testimonies & Prayer Requests

Chiranjeeb Pore
Baby Roy
Debala Hijli
Aparna Roy
Nirmal Boral
Ganesh Jalui
Santanu Langal
Shubankar Das
Kashmira Khatun
Sumita Langal
Piyali Rajbangshi
Raju Maity
Tapasi Ghosh
Ananda Majhi
Asima Pandit
Rekharani Ghorui
Supriya Ghosh

Send your Prayer Requests

It's okay to not be okay.
It's not okay to stay that way.

Our team is ready to pray for you! Remember, we can't do anything, But nothing is impossible for God! So believe on God, he is the best provider!

"Then you will call on me & come & pray to me, & I will listen to you."

( Jeremiah 29:12 )

Worry about anything? Just write down here...

"What is impossible with man is possible with God."

( Luke 18:27 )

Submitted!   Don't worry, we are praying for you...

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