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“Let There be LIGHT!”

The Bible Adventure

The epic adventure & storyline from the Holy Bible. Stories with illustrations are on the way page by page. It is going to be the best way to teach your children/others about the stories & characters of the Holy Bible. Grow your children’s interests towards the ‘words of god’ by the awesome texts & illustrations together!

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needy children

Who We Are

We are a small helping group in West Bengal, India. We are working & trying to help the needy villagers from last 10 years! We have placed our small steps to develop the backward peoples throughout these years!  Slowly we have reached many villages & suburban areas of WB, India.

In last few years we’ve succeed to bring some happiness to their hopeless faces! Honestly, we have fallen in love to see the joy & the smiles on their lips!! We are trying our hard to help them all! But you know, “Money is the matter!"

This is the reason why we are here to asking for your support on this project!

A large portion of the raised funds will go for the poor children so that they can live a little bit better way!

So, your support for this project can bring smiles to many hopeless faces!


 __Rev. Apurba Man

The Great Quotations

John Wesley

English cleric, theologian & evangelist

Untold millions are still untold, You have one business on earth – to save souls.

Oswald J Smith

Pastor, author & missions advocate

We talk of the second coming of Christ, half the world has never heard of the first.

George Whitefield

English Anglican cleric & evangelist

There is only one thing we can do here on earth that we can’t do in heaven – EVANGELISM!

“And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful.”

( Titus 3:14 )

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About the Book

It is going to be an amazing story book with more than hundreds of colored & eye-catching illustrations. You, as well as your children will fall in love with this! Here we attached some of those illustrations which will use in the book to cover the respective stories!

We've found just the right partner, writer, designer & illustrators. They are happy to work with us for this project. To make an awesome graphical story book we need your support to be able to let them do the whole book completed with us.

About the Facts

Since many people relate to the Bible, the book is the most influential book in our society. We think it is important that people know what is in it.

Studies shows that only 10% of Christians have read the Bible. Yet many people take it as a literal truth. Surely it is important that we know what is in it. Please take part with us on this project, to enlighten the world and get some happiness on the way.

If we get the book out, it will not just make our dream come true, it will give us a tool too to extend the perspective on the holy scripture and it will be helped a lot to serve the poor peoples.

The Content

The Awesome Illustrations

We are a former believer group with deeply engaged in the church & other social works.

Doing a study/inspection of the Bible we got amazed by the madness to be found in the holy scripture. We want to share the knowledge in a funny way.


We've found just the right partner, writer, designer & illustrators. They are happy to work with us for this project. To make an awesome graphical story book we need your supports to be able to let them do the whole book completed with us.

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One on One
Consulting Sessions

We've consulted one on one with our partners, Designers, Supporters & Other well wishers about this project for the best outcome. So you can trust on us, we are going to create the best.

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Compared Side-by-Side

Before finalizing any of it's content, we have compared & double checked all of other possibilities side-by-side to choose the perfect one for this book looking more eye-catching.

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We are always developing our whole system, designs, texts, quality of this book to have the professional story-book available to worldwide.

Who We Are
Join Us

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal:

It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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